The camera work which will use in our thriller is going to be very simple, with only the key shots. There will be a variety of shots, we will use long shots to show the relationship between Olivia and Amelia, with some close-ups to show the happiness of them playing when everything is normal and their just leading the usual lives. There will also be some point of view shots, firstly through the eyes of Olivia, we will see her running around, panicking looking for Amelia. Next we will see a point of view shot through the eyes of an on looker, this character will remain a mystery to us, and will hint at the fact he could be the kidnapper. This shot will be shot through the trees, to create the effect the on looker is hiding and should not be there. There will also be Two extreme close up shots, one of Amelia's dummy, which Olivia finds, and then an extreme close up of someones eyes, who's we do not no.

The Editing for our thriller is going to also be simple. Throughout the opening there will be quick cuts, we are doing this to show the fast pace at which everything is happening, and to show the panic that Amelia has gone missing. For our editing between each shot we used two effects: addictive dissolve and non- addictive dissolve, this meant that when we played each shot everything ran into one, creating the effect that everything is moving very fast and happens quickly.
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