We based our film opening around kidnapping; we used some of the stereotypical conventions. We used a teenager as the person who mucks up and has to in the end look for the missing child. Using a teenager as the main character it attracts our target audience of 15-19. the part where we see through the bushes and some eyes show up as if they are looking through at the protagonist. This could be terrifying to the audience if they didn't expect it to happen. The setting we have used is pretty ordinary, an everyday setting, whereas when we see the shot from the bushes we know something is going to happen as we don't really see people in bushes. We also used the convention "male predator" seen in the bushes shown as superior to the stereotypical victim, a child and teenager . The close ups on Amelia show her as our main character in a vulnerable way. The bush scene is very likely to confuse the audience as they are going to want to know what is in the bushes. Throughout the beginning from the camera positioning we can tell something bad is going to happen.

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