There are lots strengths and weaknesses in terms of the camera. One of the issues we found, was trying to was trying to hold camera steady so it didn't shake or move the wrong point as did not have a tripod to use. On the other hand the camera worked very well in creating a realistic opening. One of the problems we faced was filming in the park where is was very busy. Although the park was the perfect place to film; with some advantages. We didn't really have a change to light the scene or edit the staging in any way, we had to deal with things as they came. Another problem we had was the change in the weather, using a young child and we couldn't control passes by.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from in to the full product?
When doing our preliminary task we learnt how to film different shots: 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and over the shoulder shot, then when it came to filming our thriller we elaborated on these shots making them our own. We also learnt to use Final cut pro when doing our preliminary task, this later helped when editing our thriller as we were able to transfer our skills over and learn even more about final cut pro.
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